Drew and Kevin Present: “Backpacking Experience Necessary” — A Death Valley Adventure
Contact the Guides:
Kevin Fry: kevin.fry@scoutfitters.org
Drew Hudock: drew.hudock@scoutfitters.org
Meet: Thursday 6pm, 2647 Orchard Ave.
Return: March 1st
Activity: Backpacking
Pre-Trip Meeting: yes, tbd
Member: $96 Non Member: $120 Participant Driver(1): $51
Participant driver with AWD needed!!!
There comes a time in every student’s life when they take a death defying risk for the sake of adventure. Death Valley is where adventure lies. Join us as we explore 32 miles of Death Valley’s deepest canyons in Cottonwood Marble Canyon. This is an intense trip requiring the ability to carry a heavy backpack over long distances, but it will be beautiful and rewarding.
Key Points:
32 miles of desert hiking in Death Valley
Chances to see desert flora and fauna including wild horses, burros, and snakes
Leaving Thursday evening, returning Sunday night
What to Bring:
backpacking bag
Sleeping bag
Sleeping pad
Warm but low weight jacket
Trail runners or hiking boots
Non-cotton clothes and socks
5 liter water carrying capabilities
Mess kit (spork and bowl)
Hat and sunglasses
A sense of adventure!!!
*** reminder that participant drivers will be charged the member price and then reimbursed the difference at the completion of the trip